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The main focus of this workshop is a conscious research of our body/mind/soul unification, so we can deeply enjoy the intrinsic process of metamorphosis through the spirit of dance.

Through a continuous exploration of our past collective memories, 
we can strike a vein of abundant creative resources, enriching the essence
of our life. The body is a receptacle of time.

Body resonance is a key to open up the doors of ever-changing world inside and outside of us, which helps the body to unfold its secrets, holding them up until they shine and tremble. Everything is in resonance with each other.


Intense Butoh Workshop  

Body Resonance


The world around us including our body and mind, is vibrational waves that create constant resonance. When we tune our body to a certain frequency, we get certain resonance.


We change the frequency and we receive different resonance.  In order for this to happen, first of all we need to get rid of the unnecessary tension. We make a white canvas out of our body in order to paint a new color on it.


“I teach this as neutralization, encouraging a close to a zero-state, scouring off rust and polishing antenna to catch waves from the profound layer of the body.”


Through a dialogue with our body, we can learn to be moved by inner and outer forces, thus realizing we are a part of the Universe.





The world around us including our body and mind, is vibrational waves that create constant resonance. When we tune our body to a certain frequency, we get certain resonance.


We change the frequency and we receive different resonance.  In order for this to happen, first of all we need to get rid of the unnecessary tension. We make a white canvas out of our body in order to paint a new color on it.


“I teach this as neutralization, encouraging a close to a zero-state, scouring off rust and polishing antenna to catch waves from the profound layer of the body.”


Through a dialogue with our body, we can learn to be moved by inner and outer forces, thus realizing we are a part of the Universe.




Workshop Content: 
*release exercises, inspired by Noguchi Taiso (Gymnastics), Tai chi and Hatha Yoga
*breathing exercises 
*dynamic training for the flow of energy
*Butoh-related work to activate our universal memories
(sensitization, combination of image and movement with antenna exercise 
such as micro 8, animal, the creatures inside us, hanging body, emptiness, etc.)
*structured improvisation, free association 

3 days 5 hours a day training daily standard fee 100 eur a day (20 eur an hour) Special WS fee  now - 250 eur. Extra special discount for students. 

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